
Zoom Research WorkshopWith Barbara Crosbie.Week 6 (18 Jan)This week we turned our attention to the mid-eighteenth century, looking at some newspaper reports of the local fighting during the Jacobite Rebellion in 1745. There were around 8,000 rebels (including women and youths) passing through Cumbria as...

The chorus in Classical Greek drama was a group of actors who described and commented upon the main action of a play with song, dance, and recitation...

An article in The Northern Echo about our current project The Body on Killhope Moor.Click to read full articleFollow us and find out more as the researchers, led by Barbara Crosbie, dig deeper.A performance of a play, specially written using the findings of this research...

Zoom Research WorkshopWith Barbara Crosbie.Week 5 10 JanWe have the names of a growing cast of characters who were involved in the case, from the farmer who found the coffin, to the vicar who reburied the body. One of the researchers has even managed to...

Neil is an independent social researcher with a background in ethical economics, community development and the mental healthcare sector.After a brief stint as a psychiatric nurse and an extended period working with Traidcraft and the Central American Human Rights Committees promoting Fair Trade at music...

Zoom Research Workshop With Barbara Crosbie. Week 4 - 3rd Jan 2021 This week we deliberated on the possible cause of death. Did our unknown victim die instantly from a single bullet wound to his shoulder? Might he have died days or even weeks later, after an infection...

Once again the writing group enthusiastically expanded on their ideas. We listened to each participant's opening scene and discussed elements which we enjoyed and thought would work in the final piece. Our writer, David Napthine, is collating all the pieces of writing and has started...

Zoom Research WorkshopWith Barbara Crosbie.Week 3.We gathered stock this week and it is amazing how much we have discovered already. We have had a great response after contacting organisations and individuals who we thought might have valuable knowledge that would help us to figure out...

The Body on the Moor writing workshops are well underway with ideas flowing. Our team consists of members from across the country: Essex to Northumberland - something that perhaps would not have happened had we met physically rather than on zoom? David Napthine has been...

A New Year, and The Body on Killhope Moor project is back into full swing. Starting with a good old Zoom meeting for the whole team (there were lots of smiles honest).Research and Writing workshops have been running throughout November, December and have started up...