
It's all getting very real now as I visited the site, Harehope Quaryy, to have a meeting with Jill Essam. Dates for the production are now finalised (13th/14th Sept and 20/21st). Now I just have to try to edit the play!! Oh and pray for...

Jeremy, Alan and I spent the morning trying to get votes from the Weardale folk in order to be part of WAAP funding - unfortunately The Tempest was 2 votes short!...

Final day and started with a brilliant movement workshop - learnt some much which I know I can pass on. Great confident feeling now. After another wonderful lunch went to the final workshop - Voice and Text in "The Swan Theatre"!! So I have performed Shakespeare...

So first proper day today. Arrived at the theatre and met up with all the other participants, some of whom I had spoken to last night. Had an introduction to the weekend and then straight into first workshop of "Working with Actors". This was led...

I arrived in Stratford tonight and went to meet up with fellow directors at "The Dirty Duck". Was slightly overwhelmed by the fact that most of them appeared to have directed a Shakespeare before. Returned to my sister's, where I am staying, glass of wine...

Today I was chosen to be the director of The Tempest in our Open Stages project; which means that I will be going to Stratford Upon Avon to work with the RSC....

Drama in the Dale: Transformation Through Community Drama During the winter of 2011–2012, Weardale, England was the setting for an ambitious informal adult education project. In this rural area in the northeast part of the country a local arts collective Jack Drum Arts established a community...

So it's the new year and I have just attended another mentoring session in Manchester but this time I took 3 of the Dramadale group as actors. Today we worked on a specific piece of text ( from Midsummer Night's Dream). We looked at starting...