
Despite an England match and blazing hot weather we managed a good rehearsal today. The focus was on scenes involving the Rosalind, Celia, Orlando triangle, adding characters as needed. After rehearsing the scenes in the hall we moved to the Dales Centre and churchyard to...

Things are starting to progress with our production. Today the cast started to work on some dance moves...

Started today in the glorious sunshine practising spacing using tennis balls, catching, throwing whilst moving around the space. Then added a new dimension of one person in the triangle being preferred as a receiver...

Today we were once again rehearsing on site at the Dales Centre and the Church so this was a chance to check out if our planned promenade would work. Walking through the site with actors going to his/her various entrance points and so far it...

Yes the weather was particularly brilliant today so obviously we rehearsed as much outside as possible!! Spent time on a selection of scenes working on the action having first recorded the spoken script on mobiles. Hoops bought for the children to play with proved invaluable...

Another beautiful day for a rehearsal...

The plan for today's rehearsal was to explore the differences between the forest and the court. My mentor, Tom, was once again with us and we had had a really good planning session the evening prior. We discussed how we can make the two areas...

2nd rehearsal of As You Like It and added extra of having my mentor Tom Hogan working with us. Warms up were followed with work on awareness of our bodies, using a tennis ball to "displace" then relax, bit like the story of the Princess...

So today was the first rehearsal of As You Like It. Initial thoughts were a bit apprehensive as many of the cast were new to Drama in the Dale but all that melted away as the day started. What a great bunch of people, enthusiastic...