
Met up with Duncan and Paul tonight to discuss aspects of the music. Duncan is keen to use some very innovative ideas for sound including using a waterphone! You may ask what this is...

Went to an Events Forum in Durham to hopefully put our Tempest production on the map. Most of the events were definitely Durham City based but I did manage to talk about our past productions and attempted to publicize the Tempest. Next step is to...

First day of workshops, On arrival at Contact Theatre the group registered then went to an Acting Workshop. Here we developed our movement skills and learnt how to express ourselves through body tensions. Great fun was had by all whilst learning new techniques. After lunch we...

Arrived in Manchester to pouring rain! Found hotel and settled in. Discussed workshops for the following day, then went seperate ways to find food! Three of us then went to see "Twelve Years a Slave", an incredibly powerful film and if the sound technicians do...

Today saw the 2nd design workshop session. We continued to use felt and managed to make button holes! As the characters in the Tempest, who are ship wrecked, have just come from a wedding we thought this would give us a good starting stimulus for...

Had a site visit today to walk through the play and try to work out what musical elements will work and where. Gave me a good sense of the pace of the play and how it will work out before we start rehearsals in earnest....

Lots going on today. Had a meeting with Duncan, Steve and Paul, who have expressed an interest in composing for the production. Gave them my ideas and thoughts and hopefully they will still be interested!! Also helped Julie to understand where I was coming from...

Finally magaed to complete most of the editing process with the help and support of Jeremy. Still a few tweeks to make but the essence is there. Also worked out where various actions take place around the site and sorted musical moments. So excited by...