What a week. Rehearsals for our "wet" run completed, tick, hair styles tested, tick, croquet lesson had, tick, tickets selling fast, tick!!
One of our cast had a trial hair appointment and returned with lovely finger waves just in time for her croquet lesson with Malcolm....
The weddings of Orlando and Rosalind, Oliver and Celia, Audrey and Touchstone, Phebe and Silvius are almost here. The church has been booked, the outfits are ready, the hairdresser booked and the flowers arranged...
Yes! Today we managed to run through the play with a sense of flow. There are still areas which need a good deal of work but it is looking like a complete performance now.
Some of the actors still need to learn lines, entrances to be worked on...
The first day of really rainy weather so the idea of rehearsing inside was perhaps a good idea! Worked through the play and made notes on the weaker areas to work on. Plans for extra rehearsals now underway. Most of the lines are nearly there...
Today I visited the costume team for an update and was amazed by the work the four ladies have put in. Dresses, hats, shawls, underclothes, trousers and a tailcoat...
As the production gets closer and I realise just how much there is to do a certain amount of panic has crept in.
The actors are carrying on learning lines, I know that for some that is a marathon task. Now it's time to work on...